Until next semester. And the one after that. And the one after that....
STOP. Thinking about the future isn't in the schedule. Focus on the index cards. Focus. Focus!
Can't focus; I'm too tired. Maybe some coffee first, then back to the cards.
I can hear the clock ticking, wasting precious seconds. What time is it? Where does the time go?
I need to finish that paper. And study for the test. Then, vacation. I can almost feel the beach beneath my toes, hear the sound of the waves when I close my eyes....
NO. There's no time to sleep. Index cards. Paper. Focus!
But first, another cup of coffee.
For the Scriptic prompt exchange this week, Tara Roberts gave me this prompt: It's nothing a second cup of coffee won't cure.. I gave Michael this prompt: "The heart has its reason which reason knows nothing of." -- Blaise Pascal